JULIETTE! YOU BETTER TAg our class blog..
HELLOO(:send me pictures, any pictures of us, the seians.i want to make a new collage and put it up at our photobucket and friendster account.send the pictures to my email(:if you do not have an email,please upload them to: photos.yousendit.com and put rockerz68@hotmail.com under the recipient's email and i'll recieve it(:thanks alot!BYEBYE :DLINGLI {:
Hello dearests-s,
You are all supposed to do a travel brochure on the island
Pulau Harakiri, NOT Poland. Please do in PAIRS and hand your stuff in on Tuesday,15th August to me or Sitoh. Pulau Harakiri is not real, so you have to make up the stuff yourself. Consider these following points:
-the accommodations
-the restaurants
-the activities
-the must-see places
-opening hours
The brochure has to be CONVINCING and SEEM REAL.
It must be attractive enough to catch a tourist's eye.
It'll be good if you add pictures.
Hope that the above was helpful =)